Doulas Doing Business Summit BINGO


Throughout the summit, use your BINGO card to keep track of how you engage with the event. (Not sure what something means on the card? We’ve outlined it all for you below.)

Each day of the summit, September 10-12, I’ll post in the Facebook group with that day’s prize options and invite you to post a picture or screenshot of your BINGO card in that post to win. I’ll randomly choose one person to win each prize. Easy!



Not sure what a square means? Learn more about each one here.

Grab your free ticket – Register for the summit. You’ve probably already done it!

Attend a co-working session – All  members will have access to two co-working sessions, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. Attend one to mark off this spot.

Earn 20 XP Points – These are earned by watching presentations and taking actions at the Summit. Follow your magic link!

Add the presentations to your calendar – Use this link to add all the presentations to your calendar.

Comment on someone else’s post in the Facebook group – Jump in the Facebook group TODAY and comment on someone else’s post to cheer them on or say thank you!

Visit a Sponsor’s Site – There are a few sponsors of the summit and you’ll find them listed in the summit site via your magic link. Go see what the sponsors have to offer.

Implement a presentation’s action steps – Each presentation will have action steps. Implement the action steps of one presentation to mark off this spot.

Attend aInvite a friend to the Summit – Check this box off when you invite a friend to the summit today!

Attend a presentation Day 3 – Attend any presentation within the first hour it is released on Day 3. (See schedule

Share the biggest way the summit has transformed your business – This summit was designed to transform your doula business. After presentations have begun, share how yours is being transformed in the Facebook group for this entry.

Fill out the feedback survey after the summit – On the final day of the summit, I’ll share a feedback form. Fill it out to mark this spot off. Be sure to include your name or email address for verification.

Attend a live presentation – Attend any presentation within the first hour it is released. (See schedule) This is not tied to a specific day.

Purchase the ALL ACCESS PASS – Purchase the ALL ACCESS PASS to mark off the center spot!

Introduce yourself in the Facebook group – Introduce yourself when you join the Facebook group, either in your own post or in a comment on the pinned welcome video.

Share about the summit on IG or IG stories (tag @RobinEliseWeiss) – Share about the summit on your Instagram feed or stories and tag @robineliseweiss. Your profile must be public for verification.  Considering using #DoulasDoingBusiness.

Join the Facebook group – Join us in the summit’s Facebook group.

Share your biggest takeaway from a presentation – Attend a presentation and share your biggest takeaway from it in the Facebook group. Be sure to tag the speaker so they can see the incredible things you have to say!

Attend a Day 2 presentation – Attend any presentation on Day 2 within the first hour it is released. (See schedule)

Answer a trivia question correctly in the Facebook group – Before the summit begins, we’ll have trivia questions submitted by our speakers in the Facebook group. Answer one correctly to mark off this spot.

Attend a 2nd networking session – All members will have access to two networking sessions, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Attend one to mark off this spot.

Attend a Day 1 presentation – Attend any Day 1 presentation within the first hour it is released. (See Schedule)

Make an IG reel about something you’ve learned tag (tag @RobinEliseWeiss) – Share about the summit as an Instagram reel and tag @robineliseweiss. Your profile must be public for verification.  Considering using #DoulasDoingBusiness

Attend the Kickoff Call live – On Tuesday, September 10th we’ll have the summit Kickoff Call live in the Facebook group. Pop in live and comment so I know you’re there!

Complete + share the IG story graphics (tag @RobinEliseWeiss) – We’ve got some fun Instagram Story templates just for the summit to learn more about you! Complete a set and post them on your Instagram Stories, tagging @RobinEliseWeiss, to mark off this spot.

Find an accountability partner – Use this thread in the Facebook group to find a buddy to make progress with during the summit.


You can only win once so enter for prizes you want to win!

An All Access Pass makes it easier to win, but you can definitely win without either one.

I sure will! I’ll ask questions about each of the relevant squares to ensure that only those being honest win a prize.

No worries! Open your BINGO card in Adobe Acrobat or Preview, click on the square you want to complete, and it will be auto-filled for you on your computer.

I’m glad you asked! Here’s what’s up for grabs each day (more may be added):

    • Tuesday
        • TENS Class for Doulas (value $59)
        • One Month of Doula Office Hours (value $37)
        • Birth Planning for Doulas (value $19)
    • Wednesday
        • Master the Doula Prenatal (value $89)
        • Gift from
        • One Month of Doula Office Hours (value $37)
    • Thursday
        • Doula Basics Business Course (value $347)
        • One Month of Doula Office Hours (value $37)

Winning Is Easier With The All-Access Pass!

Want to make winning a prize easier? Plus, get ongoing access to presentations, a private member podcast, bonus presentations, hundreds of dollars in bonuses, and more with the All Access Pass.

Upgrade To Get Extended Access